Underwater Scooter: What Is It?

While I was looking on the internet for kick scooters, I came across what was called an underwater scooter. My curiosity got the best of me, and I had to take a closer look at this device. What is an underwater scooter?

An Underwater Scooter is a mechanically propelled vehicle that pulls people underwater with less effort than self swimming. Also called, a Diver Propulsion Vehicle (DPV), Underwater Propulsion Vehicle, Sea Scooter, or Swimmer Delivery Vehicle (SDV)

The first known underwater scooter was made by the military to transport people and equipment underwater. It was torpedo technology that was the idea behind an underwater scooter.

Underwater scooters enable scuba divers to move about in the water with less exertion and less usage of oxygen from their oxygen tanks. This gives them the ability to be underwater a bit longer than without an underwater scooter.

Today underwater scooters provide recreation along with work-related activities. They can transport people for fun and also aid as an equipment transporter underwater to assist in work and fun-related activities. Some scooters are small enough to be carried, instead of transported on a trailer like a jet ski.

BOB Scooters: Underwater Adventure For All

Underwater scooters that have gotten my attention are known as BOB Scooters. BOB stands for (breathing observation bubble). It is a helmet like an old-time brass divers helmet, where your head is completely encompassed by the helmet. These helmets allow you to breathe underwater without anything in your mouth.

They are attached to a vehicle that you sit on like a motorized scooter. These are recreation tourist attraction scooters. You pay a fee to ride them in a guided group.

With the BOB Scooters, people can now sightsee underwater in a safer way without extensive training or certificates as a certified diver would need. They can go a bit deeper in the water than an ordinary freestyle dive or snorkeling.

What Is The Fastest Underwater Scooter: Just How Fast Does It Go?

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An underwater scooter that is called the SeaBob is the fastest underwater scooter that I found. It is the fastest known underwater scooter to date. Its top Model F5SR stats say it goes over 12mph underwater and over 13mph above water. There are two other models at this time that go pretty fast also for a handheld water scooter.

  • Model F5
    • Underwater speed, over 8mph, and above water over 8.5mph.
  • Model F5S
    • Underwater speed, over 11mph, and above water over 12mph.

These scooters come with a hefty price tag, that is not a drop in the bucket. If you have disposable income in the high thousands then you can own a few of these for fun with friends.

The lowest model will come in at a steal at around $9415 US Dollars, and of course, there are a great number of add-on costs to customize your scooter. Those add-ons can run up in the thousands of dollars also.

The top model tips the scale in the 5 digits range, starting at over $17,480.00 US Dollars. Don’t forget the custom add-ons in the thousands too. Heck if you have this kind of cash to play around with, you might as well personalize it with some customizations!

Are Underwater Scooters Safe? Things To Remember

There are safety issues to consider before you take to the open waters with your new underwater scooter. If you’re a beginner it is recommended that you use the scooter with a snorkel so as not to dive too deep into the water to avoid the risk of pulmonary barotrauma.

This can occur when you dive down too rapidly and or come to the surface too quickly while holding your breath. These rapid changes in the lung’s air volume can cause extreme illness. Just be careful not to dive deeper than you would without a scooter.

You need to be aware of your surroundings at all times. You want to watch out for obstacles such as other boats, watercraft vehicles, and swimmers.

Vegetation in the water can also become a hazard if you were to become entangled in it. It could easily get drawn in by your propeller on your scooter and jam it.

It is a good idea to wear some type of eye protection as well when you go underwater. This way you can see your surroundings much better.

Scuba Divers And Underwater Scooter Safety

Follow all scuba dive safety protocols when diving with a scooter. But also more training is needed to learn about how the scooter handles and what could be worse case scenarios.

Getting proper training to prepare and operate an underwater scooter is highly suggested by experienced scooter pilots. There are other protocols to consider when diving with a scooter, besides mastering the driving skills. Also, navigation and troubleshooting are important issues to consider before doing a full-fledged diving expedition.

Completing a specialty course in underwater scooter safety while diving not only teaches you how to be the safest you can be but also teaches you how to care for the machine and troubleshoot situations that you may encounter while on your adventure.

Because a scooter can do such a rapid descent or ascent, (as I mentioned the dangers above with rapid diving or surfacing) you must know as much as you can about how to properly operate an underwater scooter, to ensure utmost safety.

Keep these safety tips in mind and you can truly enjoy your scooter adventure for a long time without injury.

How Does A Sea Scooter Work: 4 Easy Steps

A sea scooter works by propelling an individual through the water. It is battery operated and the battery will last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour depending on the size of the battery and the weight it is pulling.

  1. A person holds on with both hands on the handlebars.
  2. Turn on the scooter with the power switch on the handlebars.
  3. Start the takeoff with the gear shifter on the opposite side of the power switch.
  4. Hold on and steer by moving your body and enjoy the ride!

How Much Is An Underwater Scooter? Affordable Or Not?

Underwater scooters come in many different sizes and price ranges. They range anywhere from around a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars.

Lower-end scooters are more affordable and can be as enjoyable as high-priced ones. But mostly for kids due to less power than a higher-priced one. The least expensive scooter that I found is around $300 and the highest priced one I found is in the tens of thousands of dollars. Over $17,000.00 to be more exact, as I mentioned above. That is a chunk of change.

There are many other options in between. The medium price range I would consider for a new underwater scooter enthusiast would be in the $700 to $1500 range. Even though this is still a bit steep for just a casual activity I am sure it will be well worth every penny for the fun.

I have yet to find a great starter underwater scooter for less than $300. Scooters priced lower than this are usually designed for smaller people such as children. But if you are in the market for a new hobby, here are a few suggestions for starter underwater scooters.

I found a place in Florida, in the USA to rent a SeaBob, “FL Beach Ventures”. As I mentioned above, the SeaBob is the fastest underwater scooter I found at speeds of over 12 mph underwater and over 13 mph above water.

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